Selteco Alligator Flash Designer Animation

Loading Flash movie...


Selteco Alligator

To insert Flash in your page:

1. Copy and paste the following HTML code to your web page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<div id="id29126">
Loading Flash movie...

<script type="text/javascript">
var so29126 = new SWFObject(" java script.swf", "movie29126", "143", "35", "6", "#FFB091");
so29126.addParam("loop", "true");

2. Copy the Flash file java script.swf to the same folder where your HTML page is located.
Don't forget to upload the Flash file to your web server.

DO NOT MODIFY THIS HTML PAGE. It will be overwritten next time when you export it. All changes will be lost.

3. Copy the file swfobject.js to the same folder where the Flash file and HTML page is located.